
~$ whoami

a pixelated photo of me
this is what i look like. i'm pixelated in real life.

i'm a husband and a dad. i'm a software engineer working with 3d graphics.

i like listening to power metal, synthwave, and trance, and trap music (and many other genres and subgenres (and that does include country sometimes)). while working, i prefer music without lyrics.

i like writing code, though i almost never do it as a pastime anymore. the main languages i use day-to-day are c++, python, javascript, and a decent amount of shell scripting. i use vim for all of it. i like tmux for keeping work organized, especially on remote machines. i like nomachine to get a gui for my local workstations.

i like watching movies. some of my favorite genres are superhero, action/adventure, martial arts, comedy, and thriller.

i really like rendering images of cars. i'm into 3d modeling, though i mostly prefer creating materials and setting up shots. i'm not too great at actually modeling. i only know how to use blender.

i like doing diy projects around the house. though there isn't always time to get things done as quickly as i'd like.