
~$ message queues

23 dec 2023

In the project I created shmemaphore for, I have decided to also use message queues. While I used POSIX semaphores and shared memory segments, I am not using POSIX message queues. There's a couple reasons for this:

  1. I'm developing on macOS, which while being mostly POSIX compliant, does not implement message queues. The code will ultimately run on Linux where those message queues do exist, but...
  2. I'm sending messages between multiple machines. POSIX message queues are for IPC only, so they only work on a single machine. I'm sure I could architect it to work over sockets, but...

Why bother rolling your own when there are existing libraries to do this? (Except for fun/learning, but I'm not doing that here)

I've used ZeroMQ in the past, so I decided to use it again here. There are other alternatives of course, such as RabbitMQ, ActiveMQ, and Kafka, among many others. Kafka feels like the "correct enterprise solution" (if there is such a thing), but it also feels like using an excavator to plant flowers; or like using Boost for anything. Kafka is also Java-based, which would add JVM dependency to our thus far C++-only project. So for now, I'll stick with ZMQ and its C++ wrappers.

The ZMQ Guide is a really good writeup on how to use the library, the API, and how to design reliable systems with it. In my project, I'm using messages to distribute tasks among multiple workers; that is, I'm creating a load balancer. And wouldn't you know it, the guide has a load balancer example.

The guide is written so that all the concepts build on top of each other, so there's a few already in play by the time you get to the load balancer. What I ended up building is a demo application that implements the basic load balancer described in Section 3 of the guide. My demo code, called Pound, is here (Load Balancer → LB → Pound, get it?)

It implements two of the reliability mechanisms for the demo clients, which retry sending tasks if the workers are busy. This is called the "Lazy Pirate" pattern. It's a "pirate" because it's a "reliable request-reply" pattern, or RRR for short. It's "lazy" because it's the most basic error handling technnique, which is just to give up and move on instead of waiting indefinitely.

Having multiple workers available to hopefully spread the load and serve all clients promotes this to the "Simple Pirate". Still, it's possible for clients to have their requests go unanswered for a long time. For demo purposes, I have them retry 5 times before giving up, but in my final application I will need something more robust and not so simple or lazy. Having a client give up should be the last resort.

The next step is to upgrade to the "Paranoid Pirate" pattern, which adds heartbeating between the workers and the broker. This will allow for worker crash recovery as well. It also prevents the broker from accidentally sending messages to a crashed worker. The workers in our real application have been very reliable so far, but you can never be too safe. In the case of a crash, I don't want to be rushing to fix things at 3 am.