
~$ shmemaphores; shared memory and semaphores

28 nov 2023

TL;DR I made an example library for using semaphores to control access to shared memory betwen two separate processes: GitHub

I recently had to dive into some interprocess communication (IPC) code for work. I had to refresh myself on the different options that are used. It has been about 13 or 14 years since I learned about them, and I've never needed to use IPC in that time.

In the end, an API based on shared memory was going to be the best solution for me. I relearned how semaphores are used to guard access to resources. It's surprising to me how hard it is to find good, straightforward explanations for these concepts. [Beej's Guide to IPC] is the gold standard here (as well as pretty much everything else Beej has written). But even here I found the explanation of semaphores a little lackluster. The best resource I found is from James Madison University: a completely free textbook online of OS fundamentals. Link

Here goes my own explanation:

A semaphore is a locking mechanism used to control access to a resource. The resource can be anything you choose; it's completely separate from the semaphore logic.

The two key points about a semaphore are:

You can think of a semaphore as a file (which is usually how it's implemented) that is "owned" by the operating system. That means semaphores are completely independent of the threads/processes using them, and can even exist after program execution ends. In fact, they will exist until system shutdown unless you destroy them yourself!

Using a semaphore was necessary in my case because I'm using two completely unrelated processes; one doesn't launch the other and consequently share or copy memory space, nor are they threads forked from a parent. Because the OS holds the semaphore, I can access them from both processes. Awesome.

In essence, a semaphore is just an integer. The value of the integer dictates how many processes can access the resource being guarded. Any time a process wants to access the resource, either to read or write, it must "acquire" one of the slots. This is actually called waiting, which I think is a dumb term. I also dislike all the other alternative terms (downing (which almost sounds offensive) or P).

If the semaphore's value is greater than 0, the process can pass through. The semaphore's value is then decremented to show that slot is taken. When the process is done accessing the resource, it "releases" the semaphore. This is called posting, a term which I also dislike (along with upping, signaling, or V). Posting increments the semaphore's value, showing that a slot is now free.

If the semaphore's value is 0, then the resource is being accessed by the max number of processes. When a process attempts to decrement the semaphore, it will be blocked. The process will wait (this is where the name comes from) until another process is finished and increments the semaphore.

That's it! But the real challenge is using them effectively.

Beej's guide, and many tutorials online, use System V semaphores. These are rather outdated, and aren't as widely supported as the alternative: POSIX semaphores. You can create named and unnamed (or anonymous) semaphores. Unnamed semaphores, however, can only be shared between threads using the same memory space (e.g. parent and child), or have to be placed in a shared memory segment to access by separate processes. This is annoying, because a shared memory segment is what I'm using the semaphore to guard in the first place. Unnamed semaphores are also completely unsupported on some OSs (e.g. macOS/BSD). So they're just not a good choice.

Using the POSIX methods to create, use, and destroy semaphores isn't _so_ bad. But it does come with the usual tedium of checking error codes every other line so commonly found in C. I also found that because semaphore implementations are OS-specific, there's no good way to reference a semaphore by name without hard-coding the name. For example, destroying a semaphore requires the name, but the semaphore itself doesn't know its own name; so you have to separately keep track of it. That's kind of annoying, so I wrote a thin C++ wrapper class to simplify access a little.

I have the same gripes for shared memory. It's just tedious to use via C. But I guess that's the price you pay for stable, time-tested code. Either way I threw together another thin C++ wrapper class for it too.

I'm getting a little tired of writing this, even though I do have more to say. I'll come back for a part two, hopefully soon. I leave you with my example code: GitHub.
