
~$ cat projects/blog.txt

june 15 2023

this might be the 10th blog i've started over the past 20 years. it's probably common, but i find i'll start a blog because i think to myself, "i should start blogging [again]." and so i do. but i quickly lose steam or just forget to update. and if a long enough period of time goes by, that blog is dead forever.

i'm hoping this one will be different because it's also an experiment. and as a software engineer, there is nothing i like more than getting an idea and toying with it. i just hope i can find it in me to keep it going.

a few years ago, i learned about the semantic web, and more specifically, semantic html. i liked the idea. the thought of a well-structured web containing and linking together well-structured documents, pages, images, media, etc. seems like a utopian dream of the original arpanet. a huge benefit of semantic html is its accessibility to those with visual impairments. a screen reader can much more easily transcribe the contents of a page that is well-structured with predictable components than it can read a <div> soup. that kind of accessibility is important for everyone, and simply interesting to me.

i also have grown to dislike the bloat of the modern web. having to transfer tens of megabytes just to view something is ridiculous in my opinion. i thankfully have a gigabit connection, so load times tend to be shorter (but still noticeable). but those without access to high-speed internet suffer the exclusion.

so this blog is an experiment in creating an accessible website:

i'm not going to change the world, but i can at least experiment with how it could be done. and maybe participating myself is the best thing to do.